
Annual Governance Statement 2023/24


This statement seeks to outline the impact of governance arrangements at the school throughout the course of the 2023/24 academic year.

Governor Membership, Vacancies and Attendance

The Instrument of Government allows for 8 governors across various categories.

Current membership: 7

Current vacancies: 1

Through the course of the 2023/24 Academic Year, the Governing Body has lost 3 governors and gained 3 governors in their place. One parent governor vacancy has been advertised but with no nominations, Governing Body has agreed to readvertise in September, following the new uptake of families to Early Years.

Chair: Sue Rudge

Vice Chair: Paul Simpson

Clerk: Helen Nicholls

Attendance: Over the course of the year, Governors at Townley Primary School have demonstrated an overall positive attendance and engagement with their work. Despite the changes in the makeup of the GB, Governors have remained flexible in covering key areas and attendance is excellent, with very few absences.

See attendance record on school website.  Governor Attendance 2023 - 2024 Rolling (1).pdf

The Structure of Governance

The Board uses the circle model and has met as a Full Board 5 times this year, with one further meeting planned at the end of the summer term.

As well as meeting as Full Governing Board, there are also committees for specific functions, namely the Pay Committee and Headteacher Performance Management Panel which meet annually.

In addition to the above, the school also constitutes committees which are related to purposes such as dealing with complaints or exclusions, in line with the determining policy guidance.

Impact of the work of the Full Governing Body

Over the course of the last academic year, the Governing Body has demonstrated notable impact regarding;

  •          Ensuring that link Governors are in place to monitor school priorities as set out in the SIDP.
  •          Appointing new governors with a range of skills so that we have the right people around the table.
  •          Challenging HT about aspects of her reporting to Governors
  •          Increased awareness of Special Needs and the support we provide, including the possibility of taking on the effective management of an ERB.

The main challenges faced and addressed by the Board this year have been…

  •          Financial concerns relating to the spend on SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) staffing.
  •          Appointing support staff, particularly as we have such a high number of children with special needs requiring 1:1 support.

Governor Training

Governor's work is collective, so we are always able to benefit from our different points of view and considerations within meetings. However, the Governing Body has also benefitted from training courses on the following topics throughout the course of the year;

  •          Roles and responsibilities
  •          Cyber Security
  •          Safeguarding
  •          Finance

Governor Monitoring

As well as attending meetings, governors are also expected to visit school to understand more about school life and particular areas of priority (typically linked with different areas of the curriculum, or school development).

Throughout the course of this year, Governors have undertaken monitoring in relation to;

  •          SEND provision
  •          Safeguarding
  •          Health and safety
  •          Finance & Budget setting
  •          Curriculum development


The Governing Board has ensured that an effective safeguarding culture is in place. Our work includes monitoring recruitment and selection from perusing adverts to being part of the interview panel and then checking on successful applicant’s files and documentation. Our Safeguarding link Governor meets regularly with HT and or office manager to discuss information on SCR.

The Governing Board has ensured that the relevant policies and procedures are in place by having a comprehensive list of all policies including when they are due to be reviewed and then bringing them to GB meetings in a timely manner. All policies are reviewed by the full GB and are shared on Teams in good time to ensure that Governors can read/challenge them as needed.

Forward Planning

  •          To ensure effective support and induction is in place for new Governors
  •          For all Governors to take on a proactive role in monitoring their areas of responsibilities
  •          For all Governors to be fully aware of new developments in school around provision of an Enhanced Resource Base (ERB)
  •          For Governors to develop a greater awareness of the curriculum offer and progress of all pupils

Other information and contact

Further information regarding the work of the Governing Body can be found on the school website

 Townley Primary School - Home

where stakeholders are asked to contact the Chair of Governors and the email link is provided. Governors also take it in turns to write a short piece for the weekly newsletter that is shared with all parents.