
Welcome Page

Miss Saward is the teacher in Emperor class which consists of Year 5 and 6. Miss Gathercole, Miss Robson, Mrs Beers and Ms Willis are the teaching assistant in the class and they work 1-1 with specific children as well as the whole class.  There is a summary of what we have been learning each week within the newsletter together with photographs.
Check out Newsround to catch up with the latest news. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround
Reminder re PE
PE will take place every Friday and your child should come in wearing their PE kit. All of our PE lessons will take place outside. Please ensure your child can remove their own earring and that long hair is tied back! 

To see the topics we are currently learning about/have coming up, please see below and note that we are currently (2024 - 2025) using the Year B curriculum.